
  1. They should take good care of their health & keep robust & strong.
  2. They should always be friendly in School & out of School.
  3. They should avoid vulgarity in talk & behaviour.
  4. They should accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share. They must face difficulties courageously.
  5. At home, they should always be ready to lend a helping hand to their parents, brothers & sisters; in school to teachers, companions & any unattended visitor who happens to visit school premises.
  6. They should stand when any teacher or visitor comes to talk to them.
  7. At play, they should never cheat or be unfair.
  8. They should be truthful whatever be the cost.
  9. They should never be cruel. They should know that cruelty is the trait of a bully, while kindness is the mark of a gentleman or lady.
  10. They should respect the freedom and the rights of others.
  11. They should respect the beauty of the class-room and of the school premises and report any damage they may observe.
  12. They should never hesitate to say 'No' when asked or tempted to do a thing which they know to be wrong.
  13. Instead of lamenting & grumbling about the evils of the world, they must try to contribute their share in making it a better place to live in.
  14. They should look upon people from all parts of the world as their brothers, irrespective of their colour and creed.
  15. They should not waste their time in idle gossip.
  16. They should take pride in wearing their school uniform. They should always be neat and tidy.
  17. They should report to school 10 minutes before the school starts in case they are coming on their own.
  18. They should take care of their belongings. School shall not be blamed for anything lost.
  1. No leave of absence is granted except on PRIOR WRITTEN APPLICATION from parents or guardians and for plausible reason only.
  2. Every absence (due to sickness or otherwise) must be entered briefly in NON-ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE RECORD pages of the Almanac and signed by parents or guardians.
  3. Parents are requested to send a leave application if the child has to be absent.
  4. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate, permitting him/her to attend school. Students suffering from the following disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
    1. Chicken Pox - Till complete falling of scabs.
    2. Typhoid - Three weeks
    3. Measles - Two weeks after the rash disappear.
    4. Mumps - Until the swelling has gone; about one month.
    5. Whooping Cough - Six weeks.
    6. Jaundice - Six weeks.
  5. Request for withdrawal/TC will require a minimum of two weeks to process and issue TC.
  6. Request for withdrawals of your ward after the commencement of the new session would mean payment of the annual charges in full and the bi-monthly fees accordingly.
  7. The school can ask a student to withdraw/suspend on the following grounds.
    1. As a disciplinary action.
    2. Unsatisfactory progress in academics.
    3. Long absence without approval
  8. In case the child does not attend a single day of the school and a request for withdrawal is made after taking the admission, the fees of the quarter will be deducted.