Examination System

Scholastic Grades

The school follows The Continuous and comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) guidelines, as recommended by CBSE for all Classes from I to X. Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation is a process to provide holistic profile of the learner through regular assessment of both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of development over the total span of learning time.

The school has the following system of assessment at various levels.

(A) Pre-Primary – There is a continuous observation and monitoring of skills throughout the year and special attention is given to develop gross and fine motor skills.

(B) Classes I to V – The year is divided into 2 semesters. Each semester will have two Formative assessments (FA) and one summative Assessment (SA) for evaluation of scholastic areas.

(C) Classes VI to XII – The year is divided into 2 semesters. Each semester will have two Formative assessments (FA) and one summative Assessment (SA) for evaluation of scholastic areas.

Marks Rage Grades Grade Points Marks Rage Grades Grade Points
46-50 A1 10 91-100 A1 10
41-45 A2 9 81-90 A2 9
36-40 B1 8 71-80 B1 8
31-35 B2 7 61-70 B2 7
26-30 C1 6 51-60 C1 6
21-25 C2 5 41-50 C2 5
17-20 D 4 33-40 D 4
11-16 E1 - 21-33 E1 -
0-10 E2 - 0-22 E2 -

Co-Scholastic Grades

Grade Grade Point Range Grade Points
A 4.1-5.0 5
B 3.1-4.0 4
C 2.1-3.0 3
D 1.1-2.0 2
E 0.1-1.1 1